Answered By: Rawan Karsou
Last Updated: Oct 10, 2022     Views: 74

The process followed when we receive notice of a new KAUST affiliated publication is as follows:

  • If the item has an open access license, is released by the publisher as an accepted manuscript, or can otherwise be redistributed per the journal policy (such as after an embargo period), library staff deposit a copy directly to the repository.

  • Otherwise, if a KAUST affiliated author is listed as being a corresponding author, a manuscript request is sent to that author.

  • Otherwise, if no KAUST author is listed as a corresponding author, a manuscript request is sent to all KAUST authors on the item.

If you have questions about how a particular publication has been handled or if we have missed something that you would like added to the repository. Please email

If you would like to receive a notification whenever an item for which you are a coauthor is added to the repository, we recommend using the ORCID notification service, see details at: