Answered By: Nevena Tomic
Last Updated: Sep 07, 2015     Views: 87

Yes.  We have key science and technology abstract and index (A&I) databases covering science and technology literature, chemical compounds and processes, reactions, patents and more. These include:

  1.     Biosis Previews
  2.     Compendex.
  3.     Derwent Innovation Index
  4.     Ei Patents
  5.     Engineering Village
  6.     GeoBase
  7.     GeoRef
  8.     INSPEC
  9.     Journal Citation Reports
  10.     LISTA
  11.     MathSciNet
  12.     NTIS.
  13.     Reaxys
  14.     SciFinder
  15.     Scopus
  16.     Web of Knowledge
  17.     MedLine
  18.     MarinLit
  19.     ACM Computing Literature
  20.     GreenFile
  21.     The Arabidopsis Information Resopurce (TAIR)
  22.     CAB Direct (Archive Only) 
  23.     zbMath (Trial)
  24.     PubMed   (Free)
  25.     ERIC  (Free)

You can get a full and updated listing here.